Wellness Massage La Mariposa Blanca
Hotstone Massage
Hotstone Massage
A Hotstone massage is a massage of the body with stones of approximately 45 degrees
Celsius. Hence the name hotstone. The heat and the pressure of the stones penetrate
deep into the muscles. The hotstone massage relieves tension and give you a lot of
energy afterwards. Only rounded basalt stones are used for the massage. Basalt is a hard and ferruginous volcanic rock with a high density. This allows the stones to retain heat well.
The stones are heated in a special hotstone pan, The whole body is massaged with the
hotstones. Larger stones are used for the back and the legs, medium-sized stones for
the arms and the belly and the small stones for the face.
A hotstone massage provides deep relaxation and detoxification.
The massage mainly consist of long calm and circular strokes. Due to the combination of the heat and the movement, the massage Works deeper into the muscle tissue. This is extra effective. A hotstone massage contributes to the self-recovery of the body, removes waste products, stimulates the organs and brings the body more in balance.