Wellness Massage La Mariposa Blanca
Cupping Massage
Cupping Massage
Cupping Massage
Cupping is a suction technique that uses cups that are vacuumed against the skin. The
power of vacuum is very strong, which means that it immediately stimulates blood flow
and stimulates Qi (energy).
Adhesions and deep muscle knots are, as it were, sucked to
the surface, so that blockages are lifted. The waste products in your body are also
released and immediately removed. Because the power of cupping is stronger than
massage, it has a deeper effect. Red to purple patches may appear on the skin during
treatment. This is a normal reaction.
Cupping is very suitable for complaints such as:
Burn-out / stress, fatigue complaints, painful / stuck muscles, shoulder / neck complaints,
back complaints, circulation disorder, colds, overload, rheumatism, asthma, migraine,
cellulites, fluid retention